Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why banks should create Blogs and how to make it popular?

That is your Bank and other banks do? The answer, in most cases, nothing. Other banks have services similar to yours - they offer the same benefits, the same kind of credit cards and all other odds and ends. The question is therefore: how to engage a potential customer and him do choose your bank over other banks? The response, in the world, is available online.

Current scenario

Today, banks will microscopy as never before. Customers, communities, media, employees, depositors and borrowers all want to know what the Bank and why he is! Because there is a lack of confidence, banks need to communicate if they are to regain the trust of the people and go all.

ATM and internet banking services have reduced the number of visits, clients have to do to the Bank. It results in less personal interaction and ultimately led to an erosion of customer loyalty. If your clients can not itself in relation to you, then nothing can stop them to join the next Bank that offers the best conditions.

Blogs to the rescue

Blogging is one of the most popular and informative, media social media today. Blog will allow you to attract new customers and contribute to their conservation. Through blogs, your bank may build better relationships with your customers and introduce a level of transparency which you could not in any other way!

A blog will allow you to provide updates to constantly educate your customers on the Bank's policies and answer the questions that your customers might have. It is imperative that constantly communicate you with your customers, to reassure them and solve their problems, so that you can build higher levels of trust. A well written blog can achieve all this and much more.

The factor of transparency which will present a blog is priceless.

How to form a successful Blog

Banks have been known to make major mistakes when they start a blog. Some common mistakes they make are that they do not have a strategy of blogging in place, they do not understand the essence of blogging and, finally, their content is boring.

You should seriously consider hiring a professional blogger to write content for you. While a blog is a means of training, you should not go to sea with what information you provide. There is a fine line between tedious content and thorough content.

You have to promote your blog. Send emails to your customers, put flyers on the walls of the Bank and provide a link to the blog on the website of your bank. Also, you have to make it as entertaining as possible. Then your blog deals with the Bank and finance, which means not that you should not share photos or videos or have regular and interesting opinion polls! Remember, there is a million blogs you compete. Keep simple, fun and interesting!

Finally, regularly in response to comments and dealing with customer feedback is necessary if you want to have a blog with success.

on guest author:Christofer is a regular contributor to a banking Blog of the US and he writes mainly on education loans, the ways how it can invoke easily the same.

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This post was submitted by Christofer Gustavsson.

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