Thursday, October 6, 2011

20 Ways To Make Money Now On The Internet

20 Ways To Make Money Now On The InternetThere is no end to the supposed opportunities that come your way once you start trying to make money online. It can be truly exhausting. I felt EXACTLY the same way back in 2002 and what I'm about to show you has changed my life as my income has gone up steadily every quarter since then. Let's talk about YOU making money online starting NOW.

I can read your mind...

“Wouldn't it be great if a TRUSTED, EXPERIENCED, REPUTABLE online expert would just reveal WHAT WORKS in such simple terms that even someone as (NEW/GREEN/BURNT OUT) as I am could understand it and put it to work quickly?”

When the student is ready the teacher appears! I'm ready to teach if you are ready to listen!

Here's what I have to offer:

For over ten years now I've been earning a living on the Internet and for much of that time I've been teaching others to do the same thing...

And I've been taking notes on the BEST IDEAS I've found along the way.

Can you trust me?

I've kept my reputation intact as I've helped literally tens of thousands of paying and non-paying customers find quality advice, ideas and instructions about their own online success.

Much to my delight I've even been honored to appear at the top of Internet watchdog sites that monitor the integrity and honesty of those in the Internet marketing business. On more than one occasion I've been voted number one!

Let's face it – I'm surrounded by a lot of con artists in this industry and you have every reason to be suspicious at this point, but this book will prove I'm different.

Bottom line:
Since 2002 I've had NO OTHER SOURCE OF INCOME except the internet and I've been successfully teaching others how to do what I do and thousands of people hang on the strategies and advice I give out.

My family of seven relies on me as the only income earner in our home...and I've responded by establishing MULTIPLE income streams all of which are Internet based, sustainable, and require very little if any start up investment.

Call me a collector of good ideas.

Right now over 4000 people per month are paying me to send them my best ideas. Thousands of online entrepreneurs (many of whom are newbies) hang out with each other on websites I've set up and they discuss the best ways to make money online using legal, ethical, simple, and residual strategies. I have teams of experts on each topic that I've assembled to constantly improve and simplify these same ideas.

And it has all lead to this book.

For nearly 10 years I've been experimenting with (and watching others experiment with) easily over three hundred different ways to make money online.

I've finally compiled my top 20 list of favorites ideas.

My co-author (Stuart Turnbull) and I have gone through the archives of my online experiences since the year 2000 and have come up with the BEST ideas that have worked for the most people and have broken them down into simple, usable strategies.

Can I repeat that these are...

(in most cases) and
in most cases ZERO investment?
When I say “simple” I mean you can learn all you need to know in a very short time WITHOUT technical skills of any kind.

When I say residual I mean “set it and forget it”.

When I say zero investment I mean a couple dollars here or there.

Compare that to starting a traditional business!

If you are ready to make money RIGHT NOW. The time is now. If you're serious about making income online then this is the book for you.

Price: $9.99

Click here to buy from Amazon