Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Time Has Come for Sites to Incorporate Mobile Browsing Habits into SEO Strategy

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For the last several years of search engine evolution, in which we’ve seen search engine optimization go from a pioneering field to a full-fledged industry, SEOs have been lucky. That’s because the mobile web has yet to match its traditional desktop competitor. For anyone with a shred of foresight, that comfort zone is changing. Mobile web browsing is no longer just for reverse phone lookup and checking movie times. By the middle of this decade, mobile web browsing is expected to blossom by 400%. Since the number of web users total is not projected to increase this much, it’s obvious that people will be switching from predominantly desktop-based web use to mobile computing.

Those seriously concerned about the SEO of their website must be prepared. The differences in the web search habits of desktop browsers and mobile users is alarming. The inhibitions caused by lower practicality of the keyboard and an emphasis on clicking means that SEO strategists must be prepared for the explosion of mobile online access. Otherwise they will be missing out on the overwhelming majority of customers found online.

Things like Flash-only sites and cumbersome cursor navigation, which are already established no-nos in the world of SEO, will have to be prohibited when taking into account the fact that the majority of people accessing your site will be mobile. Bad website design which can otherwise be forgiven with the power of a mouse and keyboard will simply be skipped over by the time-constrained connectivity-constrained mobile visitor.

Most important of all, Google is already configuring how to measure mobile SEO. There’s no surprise in the fact that they’ve already devised algorithms that define and divide website pagerank based on the state of the visitor – mainly if they’re using a mobile device or not. They’ve specifically identified the differences between users of feature phones and smartphones too. This is all entailed by their implementation of a secondary Googlebot-Mobile in addition to their standard Googlebot.

Mobile SEO is not and will not be played by the same rules as traditional search engine optimization. It’s the same ballpark, but things aren’t exactly the same as they used to be. Average SEOs will start taking mobile web browsing very seriously in about a year or so when everyone is using a smartphone. Exceptional SEOs will start aligning their goals with mobile browsing today and be better because of it.

This is a unique article written by Jessica Wagner and published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

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This post was submitted by Jessica Wagner.

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