Saturday, October 9, 2010

Make your Blogspot blogs Dofollow

Dofollow Blogger
I had an article about NoFollow and DoFollow, In this post I will give you tutorial to make your blogger or blogspot blogs DoFollow. Most of experience, SEO experts and professional bloggers choose dofollow blogs for commenting, by making your blog dofollow you will get interest of other bloggers to comment on your blog as they can get some PR juice and also this is the easiest way to increase link popularity.
After making your blogspot dofollow don’t forget to show your readers that your blogspot is dofollow, for this you can search “dofollow badge” in google image select any badge and add it to your sidebar.

How to Make Blogspot blog DoFollow?

To remove nofollow tag from comments.
  1. Allow anonymous comments, go to Settings in Blogger and then Comments.
  2. Go to Blogger layout and click on Edit HTML.
  3. Check Expand Widget Templates.
  4. Search “nofollow“  . you will see tag like <a expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl’ rel=’nofollow’><></a>
  5. Remove tag rel=’nofollow’
To remove nofollow tag from  trackback and pingback.
  1. Again search “nofollow” and you will see tag like <a expr:href=’data:backlink.url’ rel=’nofollow’><data:backlink.title/>
  2. Remove tag rel=’nofollow’
  3. Its done Save template.