Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to win the web: Top 3 SEO 2014

When it comes to search engine optimization, there are plenty of opinions about the future of SEO and increasing a website’s visibility online. In fact, a Forbes contributor recently wrote an article alarmingly titled “Is SEO Dead?” I believe it is far from dead, but simply evolving.

With the new year fast approaching, what, exactly, will SEO look like in 2014?
One of the best ways to determine the answer to this question is to look at recent Google algorithm updates and the predictions of what these algorithms will look like in the coming year. Based on this information, search engine rankings will continue to place more emphasis on authorship, social media engagements and interactions, as well as Google+.

The author matters
With the creation of Google Authorship, individuals have been able to directly link the content that they create (or that is created for them) to their Google+ profile. What, exactly, does this have to do with SEO? Everything. Check out this link.

When doing a quick local search for “Google Authorship,” these are the top results. Notice that the fourth and fifth results are directly linked to Google+. This is the power of authorship.
Throughout 2014, Author Rank will continue to be an important factor as Google better defines which authors hold the most authority and promote those authority figures to the top of search results. Therefore, if you have not already linked your Google+ profile to your website and blog, now is the time.

Social media matters
In addition to Google Authorship, social media will play a bigger role in search rankings in 2014.
Formerly, one of the most important factors behind a website’s visibility was the number of inbound links – links from other websites to your website. Now, inbound links, while important, are beginning to be replaced by social signals.

Google’s algorithms are already taking social media profiles into consideration. Over the next year, these algorithms will more than likely become more intelligent and “socially sensitive.” Everything from the number of posts, likes, followers, comments, and shares – things your audience does to interact and engage with you and your brand - will play a role in your business’s search engine ranking.
If you are one of the many businesses that have not jumped on the social media bandwagon, then take the time to get active on social media platforms. Social media usage will play a more important role in how visible your website is in comparison to your competitors.

Google+ matters
With so many social media platforms, it is not surprising that many people tried to avoid Google+ when it first arrived in an already crowded market nearly three years ago.
However, when you have a social media platform that is directly tied to a company that sets the global standard for online search (Google controls 67 percent of the American search market), you simply cannot afford to ignore this powerhouse.
In fact, when it comes to Google+, the number of people in your circles and your engagements already contributes to your Author Rank. Therefore, throughout 2014 it is safe to assume that Google+ will play a bigger role in SEO altogether.

At the end of the day, SEO is definitely not dead. Instead, it is constantly evolving. Many of the tried-and-true SEO principles developed over the past decade are still very valid. When preparing your website for 2014 and beyond, though, take extra steps: link your website to your updated Google+ profile, increase your social media activity, and become more active on Google+ in particular.