Saturday, October 8, 2011

The One Element Your Entire Blog Marketing Campaign is Subject To

this one element determines allIf you’re a new blogger, you’ve probably read a lot of articles online, and you read them all with hopes of achieving great results soon. After a few days, or weeks, of marketing your blog without getting results you come up with the conclusion that the tactic you used doesn’t work.

Have you ever thought about the possibility of the tactic working, but just one element missing?

If you haven’t, then you should! It doesn’t matter how smart you are as a blogger, or how many marketing techniques you have at your finger tips, there is always one element your blog marketing campaign depends on, and if you are not careful, you will end up losing at the end.

This is often a question most people ask, but you might be surprised at the answer I have for you.

What is the best marketing tactic? Is it guest blogging? Blog commenting? Article marketing? Social media? or Quality content? You will be surprised to see that it is non of the above, as all those tactics work together and are also quite effective if implemented individually, as long as that one element your blog marketing campaign is subject to is respected.

I used guest blogging to build my blog to a stage in which it was getting 10,000 visitors in a month in approximately 8 months, and within that period I had to write almost 300 guest posts. I know people who spend the most of their time writing a lot of comments on other blogs before their blog picks up, and I know people who don’t go outside there to market their blog – they just write the content, and the links and traffic come over time.

What this proves is that no marketing tactic is superior. Not one. Guest blogging isn’t better than blog commenting, and article marketing isn’t ineffective. It is all about factoring in the one element that matters – I’ll be revealing that one element later in this article.

I know you might actually have seen a lot of quick success stories, and I’ll be completely upfront with you.

The reality is that there are quick success stories, but very few of them are a result of luck. A large percentage of them worked their butts off, and they are still doing the same. It might not be obvious that they are working hard, but all those time they spend on their content, all those time they spend networking with influencers, and all those time they spend catering for their readers and marketing their blogs all add up.

While the element I’m about to reveal matters a lot, by working your butts off, and by being smart with your approach, you can easily bolster up your chances of succeeding faster.


We all teach tactics. We all create plans, and we do a lot of things we can to make our blogs succeed faster. But we can never overtake time, no matter how hard we try.

The reality is that we can still do some things to ensure our blog succeeds fast, but our blog is a business, and you can’t just build a business in one month.

I know a lot of people will debate my statement about a blog being a business above – but I think it depends on how the word “business” is used. We need to gain our readers’ trust, we need to be trusted in our niche, we need to understand how things are done in our niche, and we need to position and define ourselves, and our blog, as well as how we plan to help our readers. All these take time, and there isn’t a single shortcut to them.

So, next time you implement that tactic and it isn’t working, don’t for once doubt that the tactic is effective – realize that your efforts depend on just one thing, and that one thing matters more than every other thing. Even if you leave your blog in a state where it isn’t marketed, as long as you’re publishing quality content regularly, that one element, if allowed, will make your blog a success.

That one element is time, you can’t overtake it, and you can’t fall behind it. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and over TIME, you will get the result you so greatly desire.

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