Friday, October 7, 2011

More great friend: new Types of demographic data in the new Facebook platform

Two companies more highly appreciated in the world are in the same business: provide a free service to millions of users in the exchange of personal information. Facebook and Google have both increased at the higher level of technology brokering information for advertisers and marketers.

Facebook takes cues from marketing, by e-mail which people targets based on the interest they showed in a product, be it by signing for a newsletter or automatically added to a list after a purchase. Facebook sysntehisizes of thousands of these indices in an accurate of a user and announcements of targets accordingly.

Facebook advertising platform, was so far, a sort of photographic negative of Google AdWords. When Google AdWord target consumers according to queries that they type into the search bar of Google, enabling consumers to - almost - happened to the product, Facebook is going after consumers using their massive trove of demographic data to define their audiences with a great degree of precision and ads on the pages of their ideal audience. Facebook, in this sense, is more passive. As people share more about themselves through various social media, the internet is evolving in a direction that is always focused more customization. Since email marketing, companies could only people of target who signed for their services. With Google AdWords, reads your mind in real time, while Facebook ads targets the avatar of yourself that you intend on your profile - your self ideal or ambitious.

New Facebook OpenGraph platform offers a fully customizable targeting for advertisers. OpenGraph brings interactions online on Facebook, allowing each user to Facebook in the media and preferences on the part of flow with friends while never leaving the site. Application of the popular social music Spotify integrates with Facebook to see when their friends listen to some music and offers the possibility to listen to the song themselves. Integration of Hulu allows users to stream from the application of newly developed, Hulu is in Facebook, leave comments for friends and discover friends shows observe or watched, hopefully prompting them insert to click on notifications and discover new shows. Facebook monitors these new information in the eyes of the eagle, with plans to take advantage of the new massive amounts of user by offering even more data, more dynamic, targeting advertisers. Because Facebook revenue streams is based on the targeted marketing of demographic, it is a safe bet that society will continue to deploy new features to keep users on their site while providing information more.

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This position was presented by Thomas Doane-Swanson.

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