Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Ways to Give Your Customers What They Care About


happy customersOne of the easiest ways to build stronger relationships with existing customers and attract more customers is to give people what they care about. While that may sound like a no-brainer, most companies don’t capitalize on all of their opportunities to provide what their customers actually care about.

If you want to improve your business, you need to appeal to current and potential customers. And if you’re not sure what your customers want, they care about:

Getting Help When They Need It

When customers visit your website, you may assume that they’re going to be able to find exactly what they need. However, this may not be the case. If a customer is unable to find something, they want someone to help them find it right then. Not receiving any help means they’re going to get frustrated and leave your site.

A Live Chat solution is a great way to provide the type of instant help people want. While windows that pop-up everywhere can be more annoying than useful, solutions like Olark that put a simple bar at the bottom of your website can give customers the opportunity to contact you if that’s what they want.

Talking to a Real Person (Who’s Friendly)

This not only ties into Live Chat, but also email. While customers want help when they encounter a problem, this doesn’t mean they want a vague canned response. Instead, they want to actually talk to someone who can understand their problem and provide a solution that works.

Because people are so used to businesses all but ignoring them, being friendly can go a long way. In addition to putting a real person on the other end of Live Chat sessions or emails, you should also put a phone number on your website. Although some businesses hesitate to do so, customers will be reassured by knowing they can pick up the phone and speak with you.

Receiving Value

Your customers work hard for their money. As a result, they want to be confident that they’re getting good value by spending it.

Because you believe in your product or service, you already know it’s a good value. However, customers aren’t in this position. As a result, you need to use your marketing to convey the value. By using techniques like price anchoring, where you increase the appeal of what you’re offering by comparing it to other prices, you can demonstrate the value you have to offer.


Your customers want all of their interactions with you to be as convenient as possible. One of the best ways to ensure this always happens is to use a CRM system. By always having access to what you need to know about customers, you’ll be able to deliver what they want, when they want it.

A Simple Finish

If you get all the other steps right, don’t sabotage that effort by overly complicating the buying process. Even if you’re not an e-commerce site, you can learn a lot by looking at how simple Amazon has made it to complete a purchase.

Craig Klein is the creator of Sales Nexus which is an online CRM provider that also offers business email marketing solutions.

This is a unique article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

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