Monday, September 12, 2011

WordPress now out 3.2

WordPress 3.2 is now available in the world, as an update in your table edge and a download on Version 3.2 is to make WordPress faster and lighter. The first thing you notice when you connect to this new version, is a design of the redesign of dashboard which strengthens the typography, design and code behind the admin section.

If you start a new blog, you will also appreciate the new, entirely HTML5, twenty eleven theme, filling the new WordPress team plan to replace the default theme every year now. When you start writing your first post in the new editor of redesigned position, you can use the button full screen in the toolbar of mounting to enter a new distraction-free writing or Fashion Zen. It is a great feature! All widgets, menus, buttons and interface elements disappear to enable you to compose and edit your thoughts in a completely clean environment conducive to writing, but when your mouse moves to the top of the screen of your shortcuts used most are there where you need it.

To download the most recent 3.2 WordPress please visit the main download page.

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