Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why SEO and User Experience are Crucial to a Website’s Popularity

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AppId is over the quota

When you first think about starting a website, you’ll likely have several ideas about how to prioritize the planning process. Right at the top of your list are probably items like securing a top level domain, filling your pages with the content that you want visitors to see and graphics that will wow them, and getting your name out to as many potential customers as possible. But if you’re not considering the user experience as you plan and the role that SEO will play in bringing in targeted customers, then you’re really selling yourself short. These two concerns should be at the top of your list because they will help you to succeed in your online endeavors more than anything else.

So how do you use them to make your site popular? The main thing you need to understand is that SEO will bring the right people to your website and a fantastic user experience will keep them coming back. To that end, you obviously need to start by thinking about just what you need to do to create an excellent experience for visitors to your site. The knee-jerk reaction is to create a site that appeals to everyone, but if you’ve heard the old adage, you know that it’s really not possible to please all the people all the time. Instead, try to create a website that speaks to your targeted demographic. Even though you would certainly like to bring in customers who may not be familiar with your particular niche, you must first secure the consumers that are actually interested in whatever you’re hawking.

There are several ways to do this. You can start by objectively considering what you might like to see if you were a customer. Likely you have already visited several sites in the course of your market research and determined both what you like and what you could do without. Keep these valuable opinions in mind as you plan your own site. Then make sure that you’re not spending money just to spend money. Be reasonable about the scope of content, graphics, advertising, and so on. Paring it down to the essentials is a great way to ensure that users can find just what they’re looking for quickly and easily and it doesn’t hurt to have the assistance of a great UI prototyping tool. Added value is great, but remember that the more complex you make it, the more likely something will break; and nothing is worse than having consumers visit your site only to find broken links and pages that won’t load.

Once you’ve got all the things worked out on your site, you just have to start getting people to it. This is where SEO comes in handy. It not only helps to raise your page rank so that more people find your site; it also ensures that targeted customers (those who are looking for you) are finding you. And one targeted customer is said to be worth a hundred that stumble in by mistake. SEO can also expand your web presence and help you to build up a recognized brand online. Plus, once you get people coming in you can survey them to find out how you’re doing with the user experience. In truth, these two strategies can work in tandem to ensure that you not only gain popularity through your website, but also that visitors return again and again.

This is a unique article written by Sarah Harris and published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

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This post was submitted by Sarah Harris.

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