Monday, October 4, 2010

Easy, Auto-Pilot Ways to Promote Your Blog

Put your blog promotion on auto-pilot with these "set it once then forget it" promotional strategies.
Submit Your Blog to Blog Directories
Once you've requested a listing, you're done!
Ping When You Post
If you're using WordPress, it's probably already set to ping Add that to your ping list if it's not there already. Ping-O-Matic will receive your ping then let lots of other sites know you've updated your blog.
If you can't ping directly from your blog, try Feedburner's Pingshot service.
Offer Your Readers an RSS Subscribe
Techno-savvy readers love RSS feeds they can subscribe to.
Your blog may have this built it just waiting for you to link to. You can also sign up with Feedburner or Feedblitz.
Be sure to add the code to your blog once you're setup so readers can subscribe.
Add Social Bookmarking and "Tell a Friend" to Your Posts
Sociable and Share This are two great plugins you can use to easily add social bookmarking and "tell a friend" capability to your blog.
Just download, install, setup, and then the plugin of your choice will add the social networking icons to every post on your blog.
Connect to Social Networking
Using social media you can syndicate your blog content to reach your social networks.
If you Twitter, you can tweet your blog posts with TwitterFeed.
If you're on Facebook, try the WordPress Facebook App.
These five strategies take a few minutes to setup but once you've got them up and running they'll promote your blog for you. Strategies 2 - 5 will promote your blog every time you post!
And now, let me give you access to some great free resources for small businesses including 101 Free/Cheap Ways to Market Your Business, 119 Things You Can Outsource, and more at
Michelle Shaeffer has been a work at home mom for more than 10 years and loves to share the tips and strategies she's learned to help other home based business owners balance, manage, and market their businesses.
Michelle Shaeffer - EzineArticles Expert Author