Friday, November 18, 2011

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Are You Utilizing a Content Strategy?

Many bloggers just seem to go through their daily writing and posting routine by winging it. They don’t achieve the success they see other bloggers attaining. What’s the secret? What are other bloggers doing differently? It’s possible that successful bloggers are simply using a content strategy in their marketing efforts. They give each piece of content a purpose and use it to its maximum ability.

In simple terms, they plan their content and their strategy.

What Is a Content Strategy?

It’s merely a plan to create, organize, market and maximize content. You can use one to plan a week in advance, a month, a quarter or even a year if you’d like.
A plan makes creating content much easier. Instead of fighting the daily, “What do I write?” syndrome, you already have a list of topics to pull from and a strategy to make that content work for you.

Later, when you decide to outsource some of the writing, a content strategy makes it easier to let your writer know what you want from them and when it’s due.

Things you should ask yourself when creating your content strategy.

What types of content do you need to create?

Before you can work on content, you need to know what types of content you’ll be using. Will you write blog posts, articles, information products, or reports?
Do your readers respond better to list type posts? Do they like checklists? What kind of content do you get the most response from?
Knowing what your readers like will help you plan your content.

Where do you plan to publish each piece of content?

How much content will be for your blog or website? Will you use any of it for guest posting, newsletters or article directories? If it’s an information product, do you need extra content to promote it? Where will you post the extra content?

Does your content have a goal or a purpose?

If you want your content to be more effective, it needs to be given a goal or purpose. In a sense, content is a lot like people. It works better if it has a goal.
Decide the purpose of your content. Is it to drive traffic, establish your credibility, promote products, or build your list?

You need to know these things before publishing your content. Giving each piece of content its own purpose will help it to work better for you. It will also keep on working for that purpose over and over.

How can you maximize your content?

Maximizing content can be a difficult step if you’re not sure what it is or how to do it. You want every thing you write to work as hard for you as it can. To do this you simply repurpose some of your content. Do a few minor rewrites and post it in another location.

You can use repurposed content as another blog post later on, in your newsletter or save it in a folder for a future information product. Once you’ve gathered several of your best content pieces together, turn it into an ebook that you can sell or give away.

Do you have a marketing plan for your content?

Marketing your content is getting the word out about it. You can use social networks to post links to content. You can use article directories to get attention and point to more content on your blog or website. You can write guest posts and link to content on your own site.
This is where your content planning and strategy really comes in handy. If you have it all planned and written out, you can visually see where you need to cross promote your content so it gets more exposure.

When will you write your content?

Once you’ve decided what content you’ll write and how you’ll use it, you need to start scheduling when the writing will get done.
Will you write all of the content yourself or outsource some of the writing?
If you plan to write it yourself, you need to create a schedule that you can stick to easily. If you write best in the mornings, schedule writing during that time. If you’re a night owl, use that time to write.
Try not to schedule too much writing in one day. This can get overwhelming. However, for something short like blog posts, there’s no reason you can’t write 2 or 3 per day, if your time allows.
When creating your writing schedule, try to space it out so it’s manageable but keeps you with fresh content being posted to your blog.

When will you publish?

You may need to use two calendars for these schedules. One to determine when you’ll do the actual writing and another to determine when you’ll post the content. Of if you use a dayplanner with lots of room to write on each day, you can use one color of ink to write your writing schedule and another color to write your publishing schedule. Whatever works best for you.
You’ll also want to decide if you will upload several posts at once into your blog and schedule them to publish at later times. It can be a big timer saver to set up several posts at once and schedule them.

If you’re writing some content for article directories or as guest blog posts, you’ll also need to set up publishing times for that content.

Once you start planning out your content and get the hang of it, it will become an easy process. A major benefit to creating a content strategy is knowing there’s always a steady stream of work and content. It can also be a great way to avoid writers block and not knowing what you’ll write from day to day.

Auto Ping Blog

Blogging Fortunes - Your Complete Blueprint To Creating Profitable Blogs Quickly & Easily! + Bonuses

Blogging Fortunes - Your Complete Blueprint To Creating Profitable Blogs Quickly & Easily! + Bonuses"Exclusive Report Reveals The Insider Secrets To Making Fast Cash With Highly Targeted, Powerful Niche Blogs!"

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>> The top methods for making money with blogs including the popular $500 cash method!

>> And Much, Much More!

Price: $2.99

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Blogging On Steroids - Making The Money In The Web 2.0 World!

Blogging On Steroids - Making The Money In The Web 2.0 World!Learn How To Make A More Than Decent Profit Through Blogging, TODAY!

"Throw Away All That Junk Load You Got About Doing A Living Online And Start Making Real CA$H Through Blogging On Steroids TODAY!"

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Dear Fellow Blogger,

I already call YOU a blogger, but I may be mistaken. Let me hit you hard with this question from the beginning, so you would get the idea faster: If you would knew there's one simple way to make money using a blog, would you not use it, and keep doing that wrong thing that obviously doesn't deliver the results you've always planned?

Now, let's say you have a blog, you make some posts, and you get 2-3 people reading your stuff each week, but all of them are leaving your pages, just because it simply doesn't "stick" for them ...And in the end you earn 0.50 cents to $1 per month from all this "amazing internet marketing business" you have!

But I tell you, if I were you, that wouldn't be cool for me to happen...

OK, OK, don't blame yourself, (well, except from blaming not finding my site earlier), lots of people have been there where you stand before getting my program.

So, if you're wondering how to rapidly increase your income, this is the moment when you should start being honest to yourself, realize that things can go better and better every day, and ACT NOW to change all the crap for gold.

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>><< How to write posts the real S.M.A.R.T. way

>><< What are the best free traffic providers and how to effectively use them

>><< How to monetize your blog like a money "guru"

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All this information comes jam packed into an over 30 pages report ready to be downloaded once you decide to take this step, and change your life!

Price: $2.99

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Yahoo!: Selling Out

It’s been a turbulent year for the once proud, now distraught Internet search giant, Yahoo!

The high profile ousting of Carol Bartz set the business world aflame. After taking the reins in 2009, Bartz failed to deliver on her promise of restoring Yahoo! to its lofty station on the digital Olympus of Internet search.

Struggling to stay up to date, Yahoo! added a “deals” adjunct to its stable of services, following in the footsteps of all of the tech giants – from Google with Google Offers, to Facebook with Facebook Deals. In doing so, the ailing company was trying to tap into a new stream of revenue from the online deals phenomenon that appears to be changing local economies by scaling marketing efforts in an incredible way. Nevertheless, when Yahoo launched their attempt, Yahoo! Deals, it was to little fanfare and less success – a chilling sign of the company’s fading market presence.

Yahoo! emerged as one of the sculptors of the early Internet, but has since fallen from grace as competition from Google and Facebook have claimed Yahoo!’s market share over the past decade. In an effort to stay relevant, Yahoo! made a departure from search in order to try its hand as a media company, a content creator and finally advertising. Sadly, poor finances plagued the company and it now finds itself on sale to the highest bidder.

There’s blood in the water, and sharks are circling, but will anyone bite?

Google and Microsoft have both considered bidding on Yahoo!, likely for its 700 million unique visitors monthly. Microsoft has already struck a deal with Yahoo!, providing search results through their own Bing service in exchange for a portion of the ad revenue generated by the ads Yahoo! sells against those results. Some speculate that Microsoft stands to gain from integrating Yahoo! with another new acquisition: Skype, though it remains unclear how Microsoft would execute such a  merger.

Google’s potential to buy is much grimmer. Any bid the search behemoth placed on Yahoo! would be under rigorous scrutiny by anti-trust committees. Considering the fact that Google controls 60% of Internet search in comparison to Yahoo’s 13%, it’s unlikely that Google will be allowed to add Yahoo! into its circle, thereby owning the combined total of 73% of Internet search.

However, companies are in discussions about lending capital to private investment firms, which would then attempt to turn Yahoo! around, effectively propping the company up in order to present the guise of competition.

Of course, price plays the most important role here, as many of the aforementioned private investment firms have indicated that they will not pay more than the estimated valuation, currently sitting around $20 million, for the debased Yahoo!.

In the meantime, Yahoo!’s chief financial officer has stepped in to serve as interim CEO and Yahoo!’s board is mulling over their options, which include taking on investment cash, selling the entire company or simply continuing at their current clip.

Whatever the outcome, the fact remains that Yahoo! has its work cut out if the company is to again see the glory of its past.

Popularity: 1% [?]

when is microsoft going to bid yahooHootSuite - Social Media Dashboard

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Building A Blog Empire For Profit

Building A Blog Empire For ProfitWhat if I told you that you could achieve total financial freedom in a short 30 minutes a day? Would you want to know more? Who wouldn’t, right? Read on for details...
Now You Can Easily, Make Money Using The Information That You Already Know By Posting It To A Blog!

Follow the simple steps outlined in Building a Blog Empire for Profit and people will come from all corners of the world to read the knowledge and opinions you have to share!

Everyone has some specialized knowledge that thousands would find valuable. Building a Blog Empire for Profit will show you how to generate unbelievable cash-flow while doing something that you feel good about!

Price: $3.50

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HOW TO CREAE A PROFITABLE BLOGWant to know how to create and maximize a blog?

Get this free eBook which shows how to create and optimize your blog for optimum profits, in a step-by-step manner.


• Easily create a blog

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And much more

Price: $1.56

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4 Essentials of a Blog Created to Generate Leads

Businesses must have a clear reason for starting a blog, and if you know what blogs are good for, that reason should be to win over clients.

But… how exactly do you write a blog that encourages qualified lead generation?

Here we give you the 4 essentials that characterize a blog created to generate leads:

1. It really solves problems

People look for products and services because they are looking for something to solve a problem they have. If you want a potential lead to pay attention to you, start solving his/her problems.

You probably help clients solve a lot of problems daily, some more complex than others, but all of them important; so, write about these problems and how you solved them. Focus on being of help and share valuable information.

2. It does not sell

Be of help and share knowledge, but NEVER sell anything through a blog. When you start giving quality advice and guidance only to end up promoting your product or service, you’re doomed.

People follow a blog only when it gives them valuable information they can use. Of course you worry that you are going to give all that knowledge away for free and no one will need you later, but this is the way it works:

They read about all this superb solutions every week and they can’t put them into practice by themselves… then they will look for you. It is just a matter of time.

3. It is updated regularly

Successful blogs are maintained regularly. This consistency gives the readers the certainty that you are worth doing business with.

Think about it… if you start a blog and are not capable of writing a simple blog post every week, how do you expect to be trusted in more serious ways, meaning $$$?

Establish a schedule to write and keep it, you can’t miss one post! As soon as you feel comfortable writing one blog entry per week, start writing another one, for a total of 2 posts weekly. Eventually you should be able to add 3 or more posts per week.

Make a list of topics of interest so that you always have something to write about.

The more relevant the post, the more traffic it will generate, and more traffic means more leads.

4. It includes other media

Combine your writing with videos and photos to make your blog posts come alive! Always be ready to take a shot or videotape something you consider valuable to write about, because it is more enjoyable for the readers to see images along with text.

About the guest author: Mark Doyle is a freelance writer who writes about many subjects, including b2b sales outsourcing.

This is an original article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

Popularity: 1% [?]

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gain Exposure and Build Relationship with other bloggers with Blokube

BlokubeAs part of my weekly contribution here, I will be starting a series where I will be reviewing some great tools I think bloggers should use every once in a while. Every resource I review will be free, and will also be something I personally like and think deserves a review.

The resource I will be featuring today is Blokube, a great promotion site for bloggers that I’m honored to be a moderator of.

If you read my last blog post featuring 4 unique ways to generate traffic to a blog, you will notice my second point talks about social blogmarking sites.

The concept of social blogmarking sites is still new to most bloggers, and I’ll try to give a short description to help you understand.

I’f you’re reading this I’m sure you know sites like Digg, Reddit and Delicious. They are social bookmarking sites where people are able to submit content from other sites across the internet, and where the most voted content ends up staying on the homepage. That is exactly how social blogmarking sites work, just that a blogmarking site only accepts submission from bloggers.

Relationships: While traffic is great, ultimately, relationships is what brings about results for bloggers. Since Blokube is a website focused on bloggers only, you will have the opportunity to network with thousands of bloggers from all over the internet who might take an interest in your work. Blokube also has features that make this easy, such as a chat room, a messaging system, the ability to comment on submissions from other bloggers, and the ability to add people as friends.

Traffic: Blokube currently has over 5,000 members, most of whom are bloggers. By submitting your content to Blokube you will be able to get your content in front of other bloggers, and as a result get more traffic to your blog.

Links: Links submitted to Blokube are also indexed quickly by the search engines, and since those links are directed back to your blog you will be benefiting a link boost by submitting your content to Blokube. It can be difficult to get links online, so it is important to make the best of every link opportunity you have.

I have been using Blokube since it launched, and I have noticed what works. Below are some things you can do to get the best from Blokube.

Use the Right Titles: When you’re submitting your site to any form of social media/community site the best way to ensure your content stand out is by using the right titles. You need to realize that there are thousands of other bloggers looking to get exposure for their content, so the best way to stand out is to have a title that clicks!

Engage: One thing I have learned about marketing is that if you’re in a competitive environment the best way to get results is to get noticed, and online, one of the best ways to get noticed is by engaging. By commenting on submission from other bloggers, by adding other bloggers as friends and chatting with them occasionally, by voting interesting content you discover in the community, you will be able the chances of your articles getting more votes, and as a result leading to more traffic for your blog.

You can check Blokube out for yourself at

Auto Ping Blog

How To Make Money Without Leaving Your House!

How To Make Money Without Leaving Your House!When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office for the Presidency in January of 1981, one of his earliest
pledges was to make life a little easier for the small business person. Reagan believed that America was
founded on the backs of intrepid folks who took a chance and gambled everything they had on a chance to
start fresh. Small business today is the embodiment of that idea.

Less regulation and lower taxes during the former California governors first term in office sent the number
of small business formations skyward and the industry, despite increased taxes and regulation, has never
looked back. Today, as much as ever, there are outstanding opportunities in the small business market.

Think about it. Big business puts out a controlled product that appeals to the masses. When selling
nationwide, little attention is paid to particular regional differences. Small business fills this void. Its not
necessary, in an environment of lower overhead and more flexibility, to have a product that necessarily
appeals to the masses. You might produce T-shirts and apparel with local slogans and insignia on them out
of your own home. This product will likely appeal to the locals and certainly may have some fascination
for tourists, too. Its not something a major company is likely to fashion because of its limited audience
attraction. But you dont need to sell as many units to operate a successful small business.

There are numerous examples of small businesses having local flavor that became an overnight sensation
nationally. Ben and Jerrys ice cream was a Vermont tradition that suddenly caught on big everywhere.
Numerous franchises and grocery distribution outlets later, the original owners are ready to cash in big

Price: $4.02

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Personally Deliver Recommended Links to Your Friends with Handpick

Handpick is a simple tool with a huge benefit: it lets you personally handpick links from the Web and deliver them to your friends via a daily digest. If you’re someone who is often sharing links with specific friends individually, you’ll love the convenience of using Handpick. It stops you from bombarding your friends with numerous emails of recommended links service, plus it lets you email all of your friends at once.

Let’s see just how Handpick works.

Of course you’ll need a way to actually “handpick” links on the Web, so you’ll need to install the bookmarklet or Chrome extension.

Get the Handpick Bookmarklet or Chrome extension.

You can also add a Handpick bookmark to your iPhone or iPad. Just visit this page on your device and follow the directions so that you can “handpick” links on your mobile device.

The second step is to create a group of people to “handpick” for. These should be all people that will like the types of links you’ll be sharing; therefore they should have a common interest. You’ll be able to create as many groups as you want. Each group will show up as a check-box when sharing and you’ll be able to choose which groups you want to share to.

Create a group on Handpick.

All that is needed to create a group is a name and time that you want the group members to receive their daily email digest.

Next you’ll need to add members to your group. As mentioned above, those members will receive a daily email digest of all of the links that you handpick for the day. Members are added by manually entering their name and email one-by-one. Just keep adding members until you’ve got everyone that you want to share with in that specific group. Since Handpick is in early beta, I’m sure that this method of adding members will change since it would surely be so much easier to import your email contacts or choose friends from Facebook or Twitter.

Add members to your Handpick group.

You can also manage your group and change the name, delivery time, and email subject for the daily digest. Additionally, you can choose to turn on/off delivery via BCC. If you turn it on, all members of the group will be able to see the email address of each group member. This is a very bad idea if the members do not know each other. However, if you’re all friends then this shouldn’t be an issue since you’ll more than likely have each others email addresses and probably correspond with each other frequently.

There is also a feature called “Contributable” which you can also turn on/off. With this on, you will allow all members in the group to handpick content for that specific group. So if they have a Handpick account, your group will show up in their accounts as well so that they can also send links to it.

All that’s left is to browse the Web and “handpick” links. When you find something you want to share, click the bookmarklet or browser icon in Chrome and you’ll get a small window with sharing options.

Sharing links on Handpick.

You can change the title and enter a description. Don’t forget to choose the group that you want to share to! Finally click on “share” and you’re all done.

As you can see, it has never bee easier to share links with specific friends. I not only love the concept of Handpick, but I love how easy it is to set up and share to people that I usually have to email individually. I do, however, hope to see an improvement in the design of the site and also in the way that you add members to the group.

Handpick is currently in private beta, so you will need an invite to try it out.

Auto Ping Blog

Friday, November 4, 2011

Web Hosting Services – Understanding Their Types and Capacities

Every web hosting company has its own plans and strategies, which can help it to increase the number of its customers and develop additional business prospects. Similar to any other field, the companies that operate within the web hosting niche compete with each other especially in features and pricing. Thus, the web hosting services provide different capabilities that characterize specific plans. It is important to know that these plans are capable to meet the demands of various users.

Therefore, prior to choosing any of the available services, you have to check their features. One of these features relates to the bandwidth, which is also known as capacity. A very essential aspect that you must know about this characteristic is the fact that the standard plan usually implies a modest capacity, which usually does not satisfy the virtual space requirements that relate to a business prospect.

Types of Web Hosting Services

As you already know a few things about the capacity of the web hosting services, it is very essential to comprehend some important aspects that relate to their types. And in case that you wonder why knowing the types of the web hosting services is important, you should be aware of the fact that this thing can help you to choose the best possible web hosting solution for your business. Therefore, the following paragraphs allow you to discover the types of the web hosting services that you should consider for your business.

Development Hosting: This type of hosting is mainly used by web developers. In most cases, these professionals purchase their own servers in order to provide independent web hosting services. These servers are used to accommodate different websites and applications of various clients. Additionally, you should know that these professionals provide various web hosting plans.Dial-Up Hosting: This is a basic type of web hosting, being offered by almost all the web hosting providers. In most cases, the dial-up hosting provides different tools that allow users to build their own websites. However, it is essential to know that these tools relate to some basic elements, which can help in website building. The dial-up hosting is the first type of web hosting that has been created.Web Hosting ISP: This option is suitable especially for businesses. In most cases, the access to this option is done through the File Transfer Protocol, also known as FTP. These days, many web hosting companies provide this type of web hosting service. The most important advantage that relates to this service is the fact that it offers a large bandwidth, which can easily accommodate an intense website activity.

The aforementioned web hosting types are able to meet the demands of different users. However, if you are searching for a web hosting service, which can sustain your business prospects, you should definitely get the last alternative. After choosing a reliable service, which provides web hosting ISP, you should start with the basic plan. In case that after a while, the basic plan is not able to satisfy your business needs anymore, you can always choose another web hosting plan, which provides a satisfactory bandwidth and disk space.

Author Sathishkumar is an Online Marketer and a blogger and he is working for the top dedicated hosting company, Nethosting.

This is a unique article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

Popularity: 1% [?]

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VIDEO BLOG SENSATIONWho Else Wants To Transform Their Bored, Passive Blog Readers Into 'Super Fans' Glued To Their Screens?

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Blogging Mastery-The Ultimate Guide for Monetizing profitable Blog

Blogging Mastery-The Ultimate Guide for Monetizing profitable BlogHow to Make Money with Your Blog,The Blogging Mastery reveals the critical components needed to Build a profitable niche blog

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Top 5 Most Popular Topics Searched On Google

Understanding what people are searching for while browsing the Internet can have a huge impact on how you conduct your business, no matter if you’re marketing a specific product or if you’re an affiliate marketer. In the early days of the Internet, finding out what was on everyone’s minds when they visited Google required a lot of guesswork. Thankfully, Google knows that its business model relies on knowing trends just as well as others, so Google Trends can provide a good insight into what people are interested in.

The bad news is that trends change from day-to-day, depending on what’s happening in the world. While trends change each day, the service can still help you find out what people are interested in by lumping them into specific categories, instead of taking each search term at face value. When grouping search terms into topics, we can paint an accurate picture of what people are most interested in over a specific time period.

1. Technology

By and far, the most searched for terms over a six month period for Google users have been technology related, according to Trends. Keywords that are at the top of this topic include iPhone 5, Android, iPhone 4s, iPad, and Motorola Xoom. These are all devices that have set technological trends within the past year and continue to do so. Over the next few years, this trend is likely to rise as our dependency on technology increases.

2. World Events

World events is such a broad category, but often people who don’t have a dedicated news site they trust simply type in a search term into Google in order to confirm it. Good examples of this recently are the trends for “Steve Jobs dead” and “Steve Jobs death” from October 6th and onward. It was announced late on October 5th that Mr. Jobs had passed away and the results for October 6th reflect the world learning of this. The same can be said for Google search results when Osama bin Laden was announced dead earlier this year.

3. Celebrities

Celebrity news falls within the world events topic but it is something of its own as well. Recent examples of celebrities in the news include Charlie Sheen’s spiral into drug use and the death of Amy Winehouse. On days when these events were covered heavily in the media, searches for these terms topped the list for Google Trends.

4. Sports & National Events

Sporting events such as the start of baseball and football season and the World Series and Superbowl always draw massive searches related to the content. Other events include the MTV Music Awards, The Academy Awards, and the Grammy Awards. On days after these events, their search relevance is increased nearly ten fold.

5. Regional Results

While not as popular as some of the major searches that make their way through Google’s servers, Trends allows you to see searches according to region or country. Often things that take precedent in a country are at the forefront of search terms than the rest of the world. A good example of this is the recent London riots that lasted for nearly a week in the UK.

This post was contributed by Kelly Austin from Higher Salary. Visit her site for information on the average medical transcriptionist salary and guides to other popular careers.

This is a unique article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

Popularity: 3% [?]

This post was submitted by Kelly Austin.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Analyze and Enhance Your Facebook Experience with Wisdom

If you’re still active on your Facebook account and looking for a great way to stay on top of things with your friends, you’ll love Wisdom. Just like the name implies, the app gives you in-depth “wisdom” about yourself and your friends. It’s kind of like an analytics tool for your Facebook account because you get to see statistics and insights that you won’t find anywhere else. Also it lets you sort through all of the junk (like game notifications, videos, images, etc) and get to what is really important – the actual things that your friends are saying via status updates.

So if you want to know more about what your friends are saying and what they’re interested in, try out Wisdom!

Wisdom for Facebook - News Feed

The feed is where you can see all status updates at a glance and then filter them by popularity and type (based on what they’re referring to). This way you can see what kind of mood people are in, who’s in love, what’s going on with the health of your friends, who’s traveling, and more! You can also see the date posted, number of comments, and number of likes. Each status will have a corresponding icon such as a star (as pictured above), smiley face, heart, briefcase, etc – based on the topic.

Unfortunately, I was unable to really experience the rest of the app since it takes 24 hours to complete the reports needed for these areas. However, I can give a general idea of what each section is for.

Wisdom for Facebook - Friend Analysis Image Source:

This section gives you a great overview of who you’re friends with on Facebook. Wisdom gives you a list of all of your friends along with their last status updates. This gives you a chance to quickly see what each of your friends is up to. You can also filter this section by age, gender, relationship status, and location. Lastly, each friend will have a rating based on their Facebook activity, popularity, communication, influence, and cheer.

If you’re interested in what others are saying to your friends, then you’ll love this section. You can basically see everything that your friends are chatting about with others from a single location (it’s almost like spying). “That is, everything except repetitive ‘happy birthday’ posts.”

Wisdom for Facebook - Friend Interests Image Source:

Wisdom uses your friends’ “likes” to show you the most popular and trending interests across sports, entertainment, and nightlife. So you can see things like what artists your friends like the most, the best places to hangout, the most popular movies among your friends, etc.

Here you’ll be able to see the most popular check-in locations and the top cities and hometowns among your friends. You’ll also get demographic information for each place listed.

Wisdom for Facebook - Events Image Source:

As expected, you can see all of the events that your friends are attending and see how many others will be there too. Wisdom will also recommend events to you based on the number of friends attending.

Finally, we have the about me section will will, of course, show you information about yourself and track your communications across Facebook.

Wisdom is currently available via as well as an iOS app available for both the iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad. The only downside is that you have to wait 24 hours to see any other section besides the news feed. From the description and screenshots on the Wisdom website, it definitely looks promising; so let’s hope that those sections do not disappoint once they are available.

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An Interesting Way Of Losing Subscribers

How To Annoy Your ReadersIn order to find the latest and great themes and plugins for my blog WordPress Mods, I spend a lot of time reading announcements from theme and plugin developers.

Whilst reading a review of a plugin today I saw a comment from someone promoting their own website called WP Power Plugins. Whenever I find a new plugin developers website I check out all of their plugins to see if any are worth testing and reviewing on my blog. Unfortunately, the blog owner made it difficult to do so.

For some reason the blog owner has placed a box that requests a vote via Facebook or Twitter before you can proceed. It doesn’t work like the newsletter pop ups you see on many blogs, which can be closed easily by clicking away from the ad. Instead, the blog owner has stopped everyone from viewing their website unless they register a vote via Facebook or Twitter.

This has to be one of the stupidest thing I have ever see a blog owner do. It’s obtrusive, counter productive and will drive away existing and potential subscribers. All bloggers strive for more subscribers and social media votes however there is a right way and wrong way of doing things. We need to encourage visitors to subscribe to your blog or Facebook page; we shouldn’t force them.

Remember, don’t take your readers for granted. Even the most loyal readers will unsubscribe and stop visiting your blog if you start frustrating them by forcing them to increase social media votes.

Have you come across any other techniques like this from a blogger?


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Facebook vs. Google+: All The Latest Updates In The Battle To Win YOU Over


There arguments day in and out about these two Social Network Giants thus Facebook and Google+. In order to know who is really making it happen, one need to critically analyze the ins and outs of these two sites before you can stand out bold and make your decision.

Making names is not the point but the fact that the end users or registered members benefiting most are what matters. After all it said that empty vessels make the most noise. Let us now consider, compare and contrast the various parties so that we can clearly see who is making it the most.

First and foremost, we will go into Google+ and verify what is really going on. The important upgrades they have and how useful it is to the Google+ user.

Google plus has this sort of open Application Programming Interface (API). This allows programmers or developers all over the world to come together. It thus has this sort of Open Source concept that incorporates various ideas. There is a saying that two heads are better than one and this is a plus to Google+.

Google+ incorporates the greatest search engine ever. There is no doubt that Google search engine is the best.  Most internet users use this link; as their test site when they are checking for internet connectivity. In Google+, the Google search engine is included and there is no need to move out of Google plus to make a search.

Moreover, Google+ has a new feature or what I call a major upgrade or update. Google+ can make video calls on mobile and other smart devices and Google+ has been added into Google Application so see how easy it is to access Google+

On the other hand let us look at Facebook, how well it is accepted worldwide and the major updates it has gone through.

Facebook is now having a lot of buttons than it used to have earlier on. With this innovation, with just a click of a button, users are able to access a lot of information at a go. The news feed option in facebook is now concentrated at one location. All your News is now located in one place which includes top stories, and recent stories arranged in the order they were posted.

Facebook has also involved a video by going into partnership with Skype to make them dream happen. Facebook also has this new Subscribe button that allows you to follow people who are not even your friends. Facebook now automatically creates a link and suggest the link for you base on the group you interact with. All the same you still have the option of editing the list.

From the above analogy one can take up the two weigh them base on your own expectations and come out with which is more beneficial.  Google is accepted all over and Google+ is gradually making head way into the Social Media industry.

We are yet to see who makes the most noise and who is really working.

This article is written by Ricky Adams and he works at Beebond. Beebond sells best quality htc cases, samsung cases & motorola cases.

This is a unique article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Logo Design Process Case Study – How to Create a Logo

A few weeks back I wrote about having a logo designed through LogoNerds, and how happy I was with their service. Compared to other design services out there, they are much cheaper, faster and professional than what I have experienced elsewhere. With that said, I went back to them again to have a few more logos created for my sites.

I thought it would be a fun idea to break down the logo creation process of my latest design. I’m working on a new pet food coupons and review web site that I needed a dog and cat related logo for. I filled out their design information form with a bunch of ideas, and here are the first set of logos I received from LogoNerds.

After you’ve filled out your initial design information for LogoNerds, you will have to wait a couple of days for their first set of concepts. I always go with their $47 “Professional Business Logo” package since it comes with 6 different draft designs (and print ready images). The most exciting part of the logo design process is when you get those first drafts and have an idea where your logo is headed.

Depending on the web site or job, sometimes I will just select one of their first drafts and go with that logo. This time around I knew I wanted something really great for the site, so I worked with LogoNerds to create the perfect logo. After looking at all of the logos for a couple days, and asking friends and family which logo they liked best, and why, I decided to go with CONCEPT 1 (top left). I thought it was simple enough to get the point across, but also fun and brandable at the same time.

I told LogoNerds that I would like to see if they could play around with the bone structure in the background and if they could create a new variation of the dog and cat faces. You can see their revision update below.

The new bone looked much better, and I liked the new cat and dog face even more. From there I gave the LogoNerds team a few ideas on how what colors to add into the logo. Their color update is shown below.

The logo is looking pretty good now, and could be considered finished, but I still wasn’t loving the “” text beneath the logo. I then requested the team try and create something nice that would go along with the logo.

The next set of finished logos with a new font design can be seen below.

While some of the font designs looks nice, none of them blew me away. I like the concept on the bottom left logo, but it just didn’t look right. Once again, I went back to the LogoNerds team to request another text revision set, this time with “more simple” text concepts. Within a couple days I had another set, which you can see below.

I was much happier with this set of designs. They were much less advanced and colorful as the previous set, but I wanted something simple and to the point. I decided on the bottom left logo with, and to remove the tagline from the logo.

After the thorough design and revision process, I was extremely happy with the end result. You can see the final logo below.

LogoNerds would complete the order and send over a final design zip with a variation of different sizes, colors and file types.

After looking over the whole process, and how many times I asked LogoNerds for a revision, it’s quite amazing the service they can offer for only $47.

I’ve already purchased four different logos from LogoNerds over the past couple of months, it’s just way to cost effective and easy to end up with a quality logo. I’ve used other services and design contest sites in the past, but most of them will cost you in the $99 to $199 range, and may drag on for weeks. Through a partnership with BloggingTips and LogoNerds, we are able to offer you an extra $10 off on the $47 “Professional Logo Package”, which brings the total to only $37. Use coupon code B10OFF to save $10 off your $47 purchase, that’s over 20% off!

- Order your custom logo from LogoNerds

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How to Find Reliable Outsourcers: Use Trial and Error

If you are running a successful business in this present economic situation then congratulations! If you are in business, no doubt you know how busy things can get and how expensive it can be to hire people to help.  If this is the case, you may want an outsourcer.  But how to find a reliable one?

Finding an Outsourcing Website

The first thing you need to do is find unreliable outsourcing websites. There are so many websites providing outsourcing service but unfortunately most of them are fake or unreliable. Only few of them can be trusted.,, are some of those reliable places where you can find reliable outsourcers.

Checking the Profile

Finding a trusted website can’t guarantee you to find reliable outsourcers. There are thousands of outsourcers working in every websites. Among them some are fakes and some are irresponsible. Some are just trying to part you with your money!  This is why you need to check their profile before hiring.

Hiring and giving Small Contracts

After selecting some of the outsourcers give them small amount of works and see how they do. They may succeed, or they may fail to provide service. Then, you can make a list of outsourcers that you like to work with and that are reliable.  Of course, this takes time. Then, increase their workload.


In most of the cases the problem occurs between an employer and the outsourcer is the communication gap. This can especially happen if your outsourcer is from another country.  It is important to keep good communication skills open and to work on resolving conflict. Good communication means a good internet connection! This is also important.

Use Caution

Use caution when contractors demand up front payment or when they ask for money before completing a job. This is an easy way to lose money quickly!  There are outsourcers who will look for new contractors simply for this reason.  Be careful and do not offer up front payments for work not completed.

Keep It Simple

One of the best things to do is to be organized and to keep a simple list of things that you need help with.  Find a contractor to help you with one project and then move on to the next project. Do not try to hire too many people at once.

Other Factors

There are others factor you need to judge for selecting a reliable outsourcer. At first you may make some mistakes and select the wrong people. But with this trial and error method you will learn how to find reliable outsourcers. Like most things in life, you just learn as you go along!

About the guest author: Darren writes on one pretty exciting, topic, learning people how to search people they’ve lost touch with.

This is an original article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

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The Ultimate Blogging Tips That Can Literally Change Your Life

We have to admit that owning a blog is not such a great thing these days. The main reason for this affirmation consists of the fact that many people already have a blog. Thus, uploading pictures, commenting different events, and publishing articles represent a common activity for many individuals. But besides the fact that numerous bloggers are using their blogs in order to express different personal opinions with regard to various topics, some of them also succeed to make nice money with the help of these virtual platforms. Obviously, this thing can easily change the perception of any skeptic who considers that running a personal blog is a completely unproductive activity.

Blogging Tips and Strategies That You Should Know

In case that you intend to find out how to make money by simply running a blog, you should definitely read this article. In case that you wonder why, you must know that the following paragraphs reveal a few exceptional tips and strategies that can easily take any blogging experience to a whole new level.

Finding out the Best Tips: The truth is that only a few bloggers record a nice income based on this activity. The reason for this relates to the fact that most individuals who own a blog are making some terrible mistakes. From all these, the most important one is the fact that many beginners and even advanced bloggers follow the strategies of some people who cannot really proud themselves with some great results within this field. Therefore, you must bear in mind that if you want to become successful, you have to find some proven blogging tips. The Most Important Tip: In case that you wish to find out the most essential blogging tip, you should know that it relates to the type of blog that you intend to develop. There are many blogs which have hundreds of readers every day but they do not make any money. In most cases, these blogs only intend to provide free information. Some other blogs are making money based on different blog-related activities. In case that you intend to make some money with the help of such a platform, you must have a precise goal with regard to your own blog. The goal should respond to one of these issues: do you want to use the blog to make money or just to entertain your readers? Making Money: If you decide that the main scope of your blogging activity is to make some money, you have to implement a few efficient strategies. This thing actually means that you must adopt a specific design, which allows you to stick ads and even sell affiliate products. As well, you have to make everything possible to record a high traffic but try not to get involved in black hat SEO techniques. Additionally, do not forget that you must pick a specific theme to blog about. And obviously, if you want to earn some money, make sure that the things that you promote with the help of your blog attract many people.

Besides all these aspects, always keep in mind that if you succeed to offer your visitors the information and products they are looking for, half of the battle is already won. The other half consists of convincing your visitors to buy specific products only from you.

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